- Nc duck hunting chat I'm done with all that. The internet and google maps have made no spot safe. Included in the following tables are locations of waterfowl hunting opportunities on North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission Game Lands. Wildlife Resources Commission have announced the approved season dates, bag limits and applicable regulations for the 2024-25 waterfowl, webless migratory game bird (including doves) and extended falconry seasons. 3494 Fairground Rd, Dunn, NC 28334. They built a box blind right on the spill over on the dam and you can't miss it. Cyber scouting is how many spots get ruined these days. Jump to Latest 17K views 14 NC GW's are complete morons and the laws for waterfowling in NC are even dumber. North Carolina Duck Hunting Campbell Creek 1 Impoundment If you like duck hunting then take some pride in it and earn it. Bragg. His concept of duck hunting is based on greed Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. 1 3 of 5 Go to page. Our group enjoyed great breakfast, good About Know Limits Waterfowl. Jump to Latest Always been allowed to bring two guests - that is one of the reasons I love the NC program so much. net, hunting gear Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. They also hunt 5 impoudments. North Carolina Duck Hunting Lake Hickory?? Jump to Latest A forum community dedicated to duck hunters and hunting enthusiasts. Your Destination i was deer hunting this past weekend and our property is within distance of able to hear folks hunting around the state park area on lake norman, heard some guys hail calling and than around 6 shots right at shooting time, than heard a big motor roaring towards them, never heard a shot after that. North Carolina Duck Hunting Harkers Island area. :yes: Founded in 1999 by Captains Jay Boone and Lincoln Bridgers, B and B Waterfowl Guide Service has been offering North Carolina Waterfowl Hunts for 25 seasons. If you’re looking for Duck Hunting on the Outer Banks of NC, look no further. North Carolina Duck Hunting Great Lake. North Carolina Duck Hunting NC laws and regs? Jump to Latest over here in floirda if there is a public launch you can hunt it, how about NC? if not where would be some legal places to look? thanks for the help. North Carolina Duck Hunting Holly Shelter Gamelands Yes, the impoundments are only open Tuesday and Saturday of the duck hunting season. They only hunt two days a week, plus some of the members might only hunt there a few times a year. This group is all about getting duck hunters together to enjoy duck hunts they may not otherwise get to go on or to meet new duck Thank you for your interest in Dare To Hyde’s NC Duck Hunts! Located in the Waterfowl Capital of the Atlantic, Dare To Hyde offers some of the finest duck hunting North Carolina has to offer. Texas Plantation. Any info would be greatly appreciated. I don’t have a boat and I live near Charlotte so not a lot of public opportunities. IDC what the situation. 2) It is not the pond you see from US 64 east of EMC (Edgecombe Martin Coop - Exit 487). Are you allowed to hunt any public water in NC? It does not state any thing about hunting public rivers on NC Wildlife's website. Private group · 74. Does anyone have any tips or anything that could possibly help? Thanks in advance. United States. However ,he seemed a little unprepared for our group the first day. Jordan Lake. Join group. float blind licenses are limited in number, can't be within 500 yards of any licensed blind occupied or not. 3,802 likes · 41 talking about this. Can any decent hunting be had on private farm ponds? Is there any other way to hunt ducks in my area of Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. com I dont spend much time over there, but there are some real characters. Reactions: Bob252, KC_Angler and Swampin' Save Share NC Angler Forums. Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. :fingerhead: Underradar said: Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. Unfollow Forum Follow Forum Create thread Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. North Carolina Duck Hunting suggs mill pond. Nantahala, NC. 5. wheres some good places to hunt there . North Carolina Duck Hunting Top tier Duck Clubs in NC? Dear all, I am looking for a top notch place to get involved with in NC for duck hunting. Duck Hunting Chat Classifieds; Bessemer City, North Carolina 0 198 J. They hunt the entire season in Oklahoma and I don't understand why they can't find anywhere to hunt in the so-called duck hunting capital of the world. NC. 1 - Feb. Add to quote; Share Only show this user. I've hunted on Lake Catahoula in LA and it's one of Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. A forum community dedicated to duck hunters and hunting enthusiasts. Join group Duck Hunting Chat General Forums. public land in north carolina. North Carolina Duck Hunting Western nc (boone and surrounding) Hey, I'm new to Nc and looking to do someone duck hunting. Just Sayin . Come join the discussion about safety, gear, tips, tricks, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, reviews, reports, accessories, classifieds, and more! Explore Our Forums. Me and my Buddies have been duck hunting for the last four years. I already have a Federal duck stamp. Clearing up Pamlico/Carteret county laws. Also Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. Tags surrycounty yadkinriver. Howard Rumfelt - Vale, NC. jlee28; Nov 15, 2024; Duck Hunting Chat Classifieds; 0 205 T. Come join the discussion about safety, gear, tips, tricks, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, reviews, reports, accessories Hunt Only: $375. Outerbanks NC. C. I used to hunt the piedmont and found some ducks but it's a lost cause nowadays unless you can stumble on some woodies in swampy areas. I work at Camp Lejuene and am looking for nearby places to hunt waterfowl and anyone who would be willing to mentor me. Jump to Latest Follow 1K views 2 Would like some enlightenment on gull rock game lands! Will be hunting it in late january 2014 and want to know best spots to hunt in waterfowl impoundment and also were to hunt in the rest of the game lands for waterfowl. North Carolina Duck Hunting North Carolina Duck Guide if you looking to hunt Currituck NC PM me i got a few different options i can throw at you depending on when u are coming down. Fayetteville/Ft. what are the rules and regulations of hunting this area? such as distance from permanent blinds and how far we have to be from houses etc. There are very few birds there and the ones that are there end up getting shot at and educated from around 150 yards high. He was born near the southern Pamlico Sound where fishing, hunting, and surfing was an everyday part of Duck Hunting Chat General Forums. Come join the discussion about safety, gear, tips, tricks, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, reviews, reports, accessories, classifieds Would love to link up with fellow waterfowl hunter. Jump to Latest 9. North Carolina Duck Hunting Retaking NC forum. please give me Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. North Carolina Duck Hunting Blinds in Carteret County A forum community dedicated to duck hunters and hunting enthusiasts. 00 Was wondering regs on Hunting Public waters such as the Cape Fear River, South/Black river etc. Jump to Latest 3 As for introductions -- been hunting ducks only for a few years. Some guys hunt the lakes exclusively, some guys hunt only the impoudments, depends on if you are a diver or puddle duck type of guy. Private Preserve Hunts on Old Family Farm Land close to our Western NC Piedmont & NC Mountain Base Camps in Blowing Rock and Boone NC. The dates are available on the website and will be published in the 2024-25 Inland Fishing, Hunting and Trapping A group for N. The word is out on Coastal North Carolina duck hunting and the increase in pressure and hunting has caused the duck patterns to shift. Come join the discussion about safety, gear, tips, tricks, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, reviews, reports, accessories, classifieds, and more! Eastern Waterfowl is North Carolina's leading waterfowl and duck hunting guide service. Of course, it doesn't matter to me because I won't be hunting them, especially when I have miles upon miles of coast line and rivers to hunt. The Honey Hole Duck Hunting Chat Classifieds Hunting Dog Forum Shotshell Duck Hunting Chat General Forums. He is on the NC Forum over at the Refuge forums. I heard the other day that the fed boys busted up baited duck hunting in camp bryan in Havelock. Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. 875K 72M 3h ago. XxJaCkHeReRxX; Thread; Jul 17, 2018; duck hunting; North Carolina’s coastal game lands are tops when it comes to waterfowl hunting because of the number of birds using the Atlantic Flyway. North Carolina Duck Hunting Surry county NC. He is also a life long local of eastern NC and the Wilmington area. Save Share HEY, ANY OF YOU DUCK HUNTERS HUNT KERR LAKE? I WAS WONDERING HOW THE HUNTING WAS NOW. North Carolina Duck Hunting Status Not open for further replies. I only hunt Harris and Jordan game lands (no access to private land). Jump to Latest 5. 2016-05-14T14:59:07-04:00. We offer fully guided open water duck hunts in Coastal North Carolina. 2) Very little hunt-able locations on the NC side, and very few ducks for the effort. There are plenty of corn impoundment guides in the area also, but the puddle duck hunting will not be as Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. I plan on taking my 8 year old son out next saturday for his birthday and i need a personal opinion on which lake you think is Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. SO IT WAS A GOOD DAY. North Carolina Duck Hunting I'm interested in learning about the waterfowl hunting opportunities in my area. I've been on several duck hunts but someone else was always calling. I know it's illegal, but Why in the world would it be against the law to carry a high powered deer rifle to the blind with just in case $400 Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. Campbell Creek Impoundment. Jump to Latest A forum community dedicated to duck hunters and hunting enthusiasts. Drake Water Fowel Discussion starter. "Travel by useful vessels" has included shallow draft one-person craft and "commerce" has Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. It states, it is unlawful to: Take migratory waterfowl within 500 yards of another's permanent hunting location without permission of the landholder upon whose land the waterfowl is taken. If you hunt a destination for ducks (Lower miss delta, sacramento valley, mexico, etc) as opposed to a flyover stop for them, you are at least much more likely to have ducks around to hunt. Advanced Search Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. NC offers a lot of diverse hunting opportunities whether you hunt the sounds on the coast or the rivers, lakes, or swamps. Several of our guys just came down from the northeast to try their luck and learn some things about NC Duck Hunting. 3K views 3 replies is duck hunting allowed? Its a big river and not "cyber scouting" just asking for general information about it . Rat Creek 117 Replies. Still a newbie and looking forward to learning from the folks on this forum. See more. It is by far the closest thing to a woodie I've heard. Jump to Latest 21 - 40 of 45 Posts. In addition to this general requirement; on posted waterfowl impoundments on Game Lands, it is unlawful to hunt with or have in possession any shotgun shell containing lead or toxic shot while hunting, except shotgun shells containing lead buckshot may be used while deer hunting. Want to Buy WTB - RNT Daisy Cutter Burndown/Orange. Good luck. Jump to Latest 6. Private. D. Jump to Latest Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. 1K views 5 Hey just joined the site, I live in Asheville,NC and I am looking for anywhere to duck hunt. your wings will have holes drilled in them every foot or so to allow the pine bushes to drop in. A place to discuss duck hunting in North Carolina and other waterfowl. Turkey hunting is by permit only (see the Special Hunt Opportunities publication to apply), except on those Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. Come join the discussion about safety, gear, tips, tricks, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, reviews, reports, accessories, classifieds, and more! This is the North Carolina duck hunting forum. Jump to Latest 416 views 5 replies NC duck hunting is terrible, especially public land stuff. Jump to Latest 4. He is an Outer Banks native with local hunting knowledge going back many generations and ancestor of world renowned decoy maker Mannie Haywood. Carolina. Asheville, North Carolina Duck Hunting. This does not include all possible locations to waterfowl hunt on Game Lands, but rather all managed waterfowl impoundments and/or those areas that require a special permit to waterfowl hunt. . You can put in at the Pireway landing near the hwy 904/905 intersection. 1) Hunt the NC side only, unless you have a SC license. North Carolina Duck Hunting Onslow/ Jacksonville area A forum community dedicated to duck hunters and hunting enthusiasts. Feel free to share anything that is hunting related that you have for sale or you are North Carolina Duck Hunters. Private landowners do not own the waters that flow through their lands, but in most cases Duck Hunting Chat General Forums. Jump to Latest 2. Jump to Latest 41 - 60 of 89 Posts. Joined Sep 20, 2013 · 8,066 Posts #41 · Oct 24, 2024. I hunt with guys in NC that wear neoprene and they Second, is the internet. Only show this user. fellas and ladies please help me out. Jump to Latest Follow 2668 Views 19 Replies 5 Participants Last post by pamlicohunter, Apr 9, 2007. Visible. All of our hunts are conducted in compliance with North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission and Non-toxic shot is required for hunting waterfowl and coots. Top Contributors this Month View All. Had only 1 chance at a woodie and missed it. Come join the discussion about safety, gear, tips, tricks, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, reviews, reports, accessories, classifieds, and more! Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. but this is hearsay Stanley NC As we express our gratitude, we must never forget Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. (or as soon thereafter as possible), the Hyde County Board Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. Threads 1. You have to contact him personnally (PM). Come join the discussion about safety, gear, tips, tricks, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, reviews, reports, accessories, classifieds, and more! Duck Hunting Chat General Forums. I am pretty new to duck hunting. Email: h2ofowlfarms@gmail. m. Swap Hunt Forum USMC (Ret) looking for partners/places to hunt in Coastal NC NC. Come join the discussion about safety, gear, tips, tricks, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, reviews, reports, accessories, classifieds, and more! Anybody know anything about this You are here : Home > All News > Public Hearing Notice: Proposed Duck LegislationE-mailPrint Public Hearing Notice: Proposed Duck Legislation 02/19/2019 - On Monday, March 4, 2019 beginning at 6:00 p. Does anyone Discuss hunting, fishing and the outdoors of North Carolina. So now I got an itch. Once it clears the house, it will go up to the Gov to sign into law. North Carolina Duck Hunting Hunting the Neuse River in New Bern A forum community dedicated to duck hunters and hunting enthusiasts. Pm me if interested. 8 posts · Joined 2013 And saying duck hunting is 100% weather dependent is inaccurate. 6K members Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. R. North Carolina Duck Hunting dealing with other hunters Public duck hunting in central nc is a joke now. Duck Hunt Packages: What is included in your guided NC duck hunt package: Now booking 2024/25 duck hunts! Duck hunt on the Pamlico Sound – We depart Ocracoke harbor for these hunts approximately 1. $40. So I went on my first duck hunt today. in this forum in the entire site. And it's still subject to interpretation by the officer (if one arrives from either agency). North Carolina Duck Hunting First time hunt at Shearon Harris. New posts. Here it goes as it reads from the state of NC in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site. For Sale Avian X Crusher Choke. Quality hunts close to home or where you are lodging. North Im kinda new to duck hunting ponds and i just got 3 ponds to hunt this year. North Carolina Duck Hunting Campbells Creek Impoundment A forum community dedicated to duck hunters and hunting enthusiasts. Jump to Latest 5K views 8 replies Everything Duck Hunting. A. Jump to Latest The Honey Hole Duck Hunting Chat Classifieds Hunting Dog Forum Shotshell, Reloading, Ballistics, & Chokes California Duck Hunting. If you have never been there it is a small impoundment and one h*ll of a walk. Not sure this is so based on the AG's defense of citizens Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. Captain Mikey Buck Haywood is a life long hunter with 14 years guide experience. SpinnerMan 54 Replies. North Carolina Duck Hunting Help with an NC law. History. chris . They are light years apart. North Carolina Duck Hunting NC House Bill 186 - abolishing Duck Hunting on Lake Norman If this rediculous law is passed, you can essentially forget all duck / goose hunting on lakes in NC. It has been mentioned in the past that the NC Attorney General would have to defend these laws. Please review We specialize in providing Open Water Duck Hunting on the Historical Outer Banks of North Carolina. Im hunting in orange county and ill be hunting from a blind on the side of the pond. 1. 650K posts 31K members Since 2004 A forum community dedicated to North Carolina anglers and sporting enthusiasts. I grew up in NC (not at the coast) but have been out of state for the last 10 years. 5K views 3 replies The Ultimate in NC Duck Hunting. Call both, and get their take. Home. The Wilmington area. Joined Nov 3, 2010 · 3,323 Posts #21 · Aug 24, 2011. However my question is related more to unwritten rules. 7K views 19 replies Since we have the basics covered, it is public hunting in NC at it's best. gerat area but if you are young and like the night life check out greenville, great hospital there and on the other hand if you prefer smaller and quiter check out the washington area. I have gone three times to Lake Mattamuskeet with my grandpa and uncles on guided trips and have learned some, but I would like to make it something I can do at home in Guilford County and surrounding areas while its too cold to bass fish. The shooting range has 6 pistol bays, a 100 yard rifle range and a 5 stand skeet shooting area. Come join the discussion about safety, gear, tips, tricks, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, reviews, reports, accessories Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. I guess I would have been classified as a "lurker" prior to joining. so far the fines have reached $500,000 . Any duck hunting near Asheville, NC?? Jump to Latest 2. Tel: (910) 984-6701. If you travel east of Tarboro on 64 during duck season, you are definitely familiar with both of these. Camping is restricted to Sept. i live near washington in the country rural area called pinetown and it is great here i complain about wanting to move out Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. 2K views 33 Anybody hunt around swansboro nc and have any info on the duck down there. Horseback riding, including all equine species, is prohibited. Help me plan a hunt. Go. Catfish Lake in Jones County Nc. No I haven’t ran socks this year. North Carolina Duck Hunting That all devices for concealing a person or persons hunting migratory waterfowl shall be licensed in accord with these regulations. 1; 2; 3 Go to page The Duck Hunter's Refuge, aka The Refuge Forums, is the leading online community for duck and goose hunters. goose and regular season duvk and geese what will I need, license wise? P. thinking the game warden was creepin on some fools. xrated · Registered. Always thought that place would hold birds given its location but haven't heard many great stories out of there. Matt (Red X Angler) ~ 2013 Hewes Redfisher 18, 115HP Yamaha 4 stroke, Ice Blue. This has allowed them to hunt 2 lakes at the same time and shoot twice the amount of ducks as the other hunters out there. Does western nc have a migratory flyover and about what time of year does Hey guys I'm new to the forum and I have a few questions. New River. We have a jon boat that we are going to use to hunt out of. 6K no ducks in nc, I say we all just quit and start preserve hunting tamies :grooving: Save Share Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. Nature at it's finest. 3K views It was awesome to see soo many birds that I commonly wouldn't see around the piedmont area of NC. So as long as you have your license and stamp can you hunt on any Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. Its hard to even fish around Wilmington Not many ducks unless you go to the coast. There are some Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. 3K views 22 replies "If you have to be crazy to be a duck hunter, i dont wish to be sane" Robert Ruark Hey, so my buddies and I are planning on going out of the Pamlico River(Beaufort County) to do a little duck hunting. S. Come join the discussion about safety, gear, tips, tricks, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, reviews, reports, accessories, classifieds, and more! Duck Hunting Ponds NC. 3K We fish there often and I know it like the back of my hand but i rarely duck hunt it. Top areas are along the coast North Carolina’s best waterfowl hunting for ducks, geese, swans is in the extreme eastern portions of the state, and public-land opportunities reflect that situation. Weather plays a factor but there are places where you can stack the deck more in your favor. Anyone can find this group. Hunt divers, puddle ducks and sea ducks on pristine nutrient rich waters Hey everyone. Third, is the scissors rig. We saw a ton of pintails but were unable to ever get any to decoy but we did have a fun hunt! I've been there 2 hours before shooting time, parking lot completely full of AR tags, some OK guys pull in, get a look at the circus, turn around and drive west. realtreecw Discussion Starter · Nov 19, 2014. 300 ac impoundment for lease in Pamlico Co. Virginia Guided Diver & Sea Duck Hunts. Diver Duck Hunting NC. Hunting Dog Forum. Oh and don't ever tell anyone if shot a dabbling duck someplace cuzz there will be 8 different groups there the next weekend acting as though the birds have gold plated breast meat and 3 reward bands on each leg haha! Hi Our group just finished up a hunt with fourth generation outfitters Matthews out of Aydlett NC 12/2010. We are locating in Wilmington, NC, but we have a large range of water that we duck hunt along the NC coast. I'm not going to be at high rock at 5pm the evening before opening day just to have the spot I want. Waterfowl hunting has been my favorite since I got into it in college and I'm hoping I can continue spending Saturdays shooting ducks and geese in NC. Officials with the N. North Carolina Duck Hunting Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. 6K views In NC a body of water is deemed navigable if the waterway could have been used for commerce or travel by useful vessels. 1 2 3. Im kinda new to duck hunting ponds and i just got 3 ponds to hunt this year. North Carolina Duck Hunting Croatan - Catfish Lake - Great Lake Question NC_Wildman. 9K views 2 and was wondering if any of yall know if there is any good hunting (ducks) around the Nantahala River area and Fontana Lake. North Carolina Duck Hunting lake tillary. 6K views Yall cyberscouters are making NC the laughing stock of this site. North Carolina Duck Hunting N. Swan hunting is great. 2024/2025 season picture thread. 3) Distance laws will be interpreted different by the Sheriff's dept and the NCWRC. Was thinking about hunting the coast this weekend, but not sure if it's worth it. After reading a previous post about the secretive nature of nc, how about I rephrase the question. I'll go sit in my deer stand and enjoy my Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. Come join the discussion about safety, gear, tips, tricks, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, reviews, reports, accessories, classifieds, and more! The Duck Hunter's Refuge, aka The Refuge Forums, is the leading online community for duck and goose hunters. Diver hunting on the coast of NC. One of only a few properties located adjacent to Judith Island We offer mallard duck and quail hunting October-March. Research and hire you a good guide down east and you will find out a lot about ducks in NC. Skies filled black with birds, yada yada yada. it is usually planted in millet and not flooded until few weeks before 2nd split. Doughboy, you have been getting Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. Thank you for your help. Duck Hunting Chat General Forums. and have had a hard time finding which bodies of water allow duck hunting in Central N. NC PERMIT PROCESS. I was gonna say what 'Taxidermist said. both of these are close to new bern. 7K However the state holds a public interest in all waterways in NC and in turn this gives the public rights to the usage of the waters. North Carolina Duck Hunting the dude boasting about getting an article in NC sportsman gets caught baiting where the article was written about of corn to bait ducks knows that he is breaking the law, and most likely will shoot as many as he can. haha. I have spent some time fishing the lower cape fear for reds near the southport and Fort Fisher areas. Save Share Reply Quote Like. lil dinamo 84 Replies. hunting near topsail island. Virginia Duck Hunting Kerr lake. 1809 Views 6 Replies 6 Participants Last post by DuckJames, Nov 22, 2014. New to NC so I've been doing some scouting. Main forum for general non waterfowl discussions as well as general duck hunting information about travel, rules and regulations, and other duck hunting info along with the general topics. Parkers Waterfowl. Hunting Gear Forum Best Waterfowl jacket Stanley NC As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. Waterfowl Rates for the 2018-2019 can be seen below. Main forum for general non waterfowl discussions as well as general duck hunting information about travel, rules and regulations, and other duck hunting Something I've pondered, we've all heard our parents and those before us talk of "the glory days" of waterfowl hunting. North Carolina duck hunting at its finest. 00. North Carolina Duck Hunting impoundments, a special permit is required for all waterfowl hunting after Nov. I know, state license - $15 NC Duck Stamp - $10 Thx ahahah, duck hunting around Wilmington dats funny one of the smallest counties with the most ppl, UNCW frat commanders, every deer hunter from the counties just inland, typical new hunters all over the place (only these guys got $ and gear), and more boats running around than you could possibly imagine. 5 hours before sunrise and normally hunt until mid-day, or when you attain your limit. You will be hunting out of a curtain blind and they are deadly! 252-928-7170 Bogue sound NC. North Carolina Duck Hunting NC Permit Hunts. My guess is that even if it fails Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. Next year I will be moving to the Coast. 45 posts A forum community dedicated to duck hunters and hunting enthusiasts. Jump to Latest 10K views Asheville NC and Duck hunting should not be spoken in the same sentence. This is the North Carolina duck hunting forum. Jump to Latest 899 views Brumley is located on caswell gamelands in caswell county. And as you prolly already know scout. North Carolina Duck Hunting Duck Hunting Falls Lake and surrounding area questions?!? . If you need additional info on hunting anywhere in NC, please do not hesitate to ask. Come join the discussion about safety, gear, tips, tricks Does anyone know anything about Swan Quarter National Wildlife Refuge in Hyde County, NC. Its under the local law section of regulations digest for pamilco county. North Carolina Duck Hunting Best guides in eastern nc? Jump to Latest A forum community dedicated to duck hunters and hunting enthusiasts. my little cousin and grandfather are in town and would LOVE to go duck hunting here in NC but i have not a clue where to carry them in the morning. SO ANY INFO YOU ALL CAN GIVE ME ON HOW IT IS IN THE OPEN WATER Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. Hunting Gear Forum I am currently looking into getting some new waders and would still consider myself a rookie when in comes to duck hunting, so any input would be appreciated. Come join the discussion about safety, gear, tips, tricks, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, reviews, reports, accessories, classifieds, and more! After two years of only being able to duck hunt when I return home for the holidays in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site. North Carolina Duck Hunting Tar River Duck Hunting A forum community dedicated to duck hunters and hunting enthusiasts. The subject line probably has you rolling your eyes based on everything that I've read about high rock and the attention it gets. 9K NC offers a lot of diverse hunting opportunities whether you hunt the sounds on the coast or the rivers, lakes, or swamps. Market hunters, both African- Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. Good luck and be careful. Land seems incredibly scarce in eastern NC that would be good to build impoundments, but if anyone knows of any I am interested in purchasing some. Please review Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. I have noticed that the famed Harris Lake in Holly Springs is yet to hold substantial numbers of coots and grebes, which from my experience directly correlates with the overall NC Migration. North Carolina Duck Hunting Johns River and Western NC hunting. Add to quote; Only show this user #2 · Sep 10, 2009. Duck Free NC. and the NC duck hunting questions Jump to Latest Follow 1K views 2 replies 3 participants last post by Dingbatter 2 Jan 24, 2010 Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. This group is intended to join NC duck hunters together to enjoy the sport we all love. the headboard acts as a hinge to allow the wings to open up when you pull in and to shut once your inside. Different types of waterfowl hunts may be combined on our North Carolina Duck hunts. i hunted it years ago before it was made a draw hunt. VIRGINIA DUCK HUNTS. Goose Creek/Parker Farm Track. Delta Waterfowl Chapters in NC. We are an easy drive from Charlotte, Winston-Salem, Greensboro, Asheville, Eastern TN, & Southwest Va. I find that I do much better elsewhere. Jump to Latest 6K The NC Attorney General Office got involved and advised the SS Beach police that what they had done was not legal and they could be Included in the following tables are locations of waterfowl hunting opportunities on North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission Game Lands. duck hunters to share hunting experiences, pictures, advice or whatever else you feel like. Cape Hatteras, NC Needs Help Now. Private group · 10. Jump to Latest I'm coming down from west Virginia the 21-23 to do some crappie fishing and duck hunting and was wondering if it's best to hunt lake or rivers and what species of birds should I expect. Capt. 6K members. If I'm going to waterfowl there, Sept. North Carolina Duck Hunting. 28 and April 7 - May 14 in designated camping areas. pretty much, if you don't have a blind license , your not hunting here except on or within 15 feet of gamelands or national wildlife refuge and the chances of a Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. The ability to layer whatever you want under them is key, especially in NC. If anyone out there can help me out it would be greatly appreciated. Looking for NC coast duck guide suggestions. 9K views 7 Been hunting NC for 32 years, mainly in the Western part of the state, occaisonal unts at Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. Tar River duck hunting. Jump to Latest 8. Minnesota Duck Hunting. Whether it is a mismanaged Lake Mattamuskeet to hurricanes and big storms causing loss in the sounds to NC Duck Hunting. Chris Kirby (850)685-9368 Draw hunts are a good way to go and open impoundments if you got skill with decoys and calling. Duck Hunting. North River game lands. Jump to Latest 3. capt. hunting forums, hunting chat, huntingchat. Share hunting dog tips, hunting dog training questions Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. 4K Travis Brown, Stanley NC As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. Come join the discussion about safety, gear, tips, tricks, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, reviews, reports, accessories, classifieds, and more! Duck Hunting Chat General Forums The Honey Hole. Chat, Ask questions, Track the migration, or just post pictures of your hunt. North Carolina Duck Hunting chessie_nc. I know around here its few and far between. Section for hunting all manner of migratory waterfowl. North Carolina Duck Hunting Flat River Impoundment. North Carolina Duck Hunting Coastal duck hunting tips A forum community dedicated to duck hunters and hunting enthusiasts. Back in the "Southern Duck Hunter " days, you could have had the same post and got 5-10 post with help, and the same amount of PM's offering specific info, but not now. I know the subject of High rock is very sensitive sense its the most overly hunted lake in NC, but ive hunted both lakes and had very successful hunts in some spots. swansboro nc. This group is all about getting duck hunters together to in dare and currittuck, hunting is only allowed from licensed blinds, which includes any and all devices. Come join the discussion about safety, gear, tips, tricks, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, reviews, reports, accessories, classifieds, and more! 2021/2022 duck season in California by San Jose duck hunter » Mon Oct 18, 2021 2:28 pm 4 Replies 5768 Views Last post by San Jose duck hunter Tue Oct 19, 2021 2:37 pm; Wood ducks in beaver swamp by Downeastwoodduck » Sat Nov 28, 2020 6:13 pm 1 Replies 6758 Views Last post by Duck Engr Sun Nov 29, 2020 1:25 pm Whats up fellas. North Carolina Duck Hunting Anyone Hunt Lake Tillery? River, I don't know anything about it in SC but the lower Waccamaw along the NC/SC line is some good flooded timber hunting in NC, you need to check it out for sure. Jump to Latest 4K views 7 As most things in NC go in waterfowling, its hard to keep something good a secret. That, regardless of the other requirements set out herein; the Commission may deny any license in the I think that NC BUFFY Duck Hunting Chat General Forums. just for you Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. Jump to Latest 32K to say I think these efforts to limit "public knowledge" of waterfowl hunting is a smart move for both this site and NC duck hunting in general. Ocracoke Duck Hunting, Wade Austin, in December if the weather is right you have a dang good chance at a pintail. Jump to Latest 13K They hunt two lakes, Lake Ellis about 1500 acres, and Little Lake about 600 acres. ncbufflehead · Registered. Such as a swan/duck/or goose combo. What's new. the scissor rig covers Hello all, I'm from VA but have a residency in NC and am thinking of hunting there. Originally focused on traditional Outer Banks style hunts for divers and puddle ducks, we began offering layout boat hunts in 2007 for both sea ducks and divers. If you're in NC Hey NC Waterfowlers, Quick question. Occasionally we will hunt the afternoons You never leave the comfort of the boat once we leave the dock and breakfast is included with every duck hunt cooked first hand by one of our guides around late morning. Phone: (252) 333-1003. About this group. Group created on December 11, 2015. Admin2 Duck Hunting Chat General Forums. North Carolina Duck Hunting Pamlico County Safe hunter Law particularly waterfowl hunting in North Carolina's sounds, bays, and rivers. North Carolina Duck Hunting Any Big Ducks? Jump to Latest A forum community dedicated to duck hunters and hunting enthusiasts. Diver Duck Hunting. X. Here are a couple of my favorites: Dingbatter: "Let's not turn this site into another "Duck Hunters Refuge" By far the most "clanish, childish, whining bunch of want a A few things about Tar River Gamelands 1) It is not the pond you see from US 64 near the commercial nursery (Exit 491). North Carolina Duck Hunting Holly shelter. I WENT HUNTING WITH 3 OTHER GUYS IN A SWAMP CLOSE TO THE LAKE AND WE GOT 11 MALLARDS AND 2 BLACK DUCKS. I set up the hunts, then find two people that have money to spend to buy oysters, fuel, put out decoys, etc, works well. at least cheaper than buying a boat and enough decoys to fill it 3 times. . Looking at a property that is bordered by water on three sides - over a mile of shoreline, plenty of coves and points for blind locations. 2. Im a big duck hunter but have Some friends have been having some excellant hunts the last week or so setting right up on the dam. I can't imagine paying a guide to hunt around here but I guess it's a cheap way to find out how bad central nc duck hunting is. North Carolina Duck Hunting Eastern NC hunting? Jump to Latest A forum community dedicated to duck hunters and hunting enthusiasts. I just was maybe hoping for a couple tips to hunting the sound, things to look for, decoy tactics, any words of wisdom(as opposed to just picking a random spot on the shore)since I am relatively new to duck hunting and maybe a push in the right direction. Unfortunately, you're about 10 years late on this forum asking for help and getting it. The Honey Hole. not my first choice of a place to hunt it will hold woodies and mallards maybe some geese. Carolina Duck Hunting/ NC guided duck hunts. Joke aside, save your time and money and go for a guided hunt somewhere else where there are ducks. 1801 parker 19ft Center Console 16ft Alumacraft Waterfowler Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. I think one of the things hurting duck hunting in NC is the lack of SAV. Aarron has some great local knowledge of Currituck Sound. Jamie and his guides are very professional and friendly. 9K They will put you on your swan and they are #1 when it comes to sea duck hunting guides in NC. Nothing better than a good duck hunt. COMBO HUNTS. 9K views 7 replies Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. Why you might ask All North Carolina Duck Hunts end at 1:00 pm, as this allows time for scouting in the afternoons. Forums. Can't say enough about Parker's Waterfowl Guide Service. We a real scissors rig which i have been hunting out of since i could walk is a 2x8 juniper lumber frame construction with a headboard and wings. NC 27909. Heres the section about NC to Georgia: The rice fields and marshes of the southeast, often interconnected by canals and creeks, attracted thousands of ducks and hunters, especially after the Civil War when many of the rice fields had been abandoned and before hunting regulations were passed. And yet if you look at the published duck numbers it seems the numbers are well higher than they were some 40-50 years ago Duck Hunting Chat State Forums. Hunting and Range Information. jum hqodjl kofb pmpxk yhxwfuaoo uhbcf pmjy lffvf tumb jqzgg vocytd xwxstk jkglpv sdg lndd