Categories of military exposure. Vincent-Hall, PhD, DABT.

Categories of military exposure This study aims to explore and determine the essence of the lived This is the final report of the Committee on Battlefield Radiation Exposure Criteria, produced under the auspices of the Medical Follow-up Agency of the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences. Terra Vincent-Hall is Director of the Exposure Science Program and Senior Toxicologist for Health Outcomes Military Exposures (HOME). Occupational exposure to military service members is not just related to hazardous material. Many military activities are likely to entail inorganic dust exposures. The VA says exposure to PFAS can cause vets to develop an array of issues in their reproductive and immune systems and increase the risk of cancer and other diseases. Learn more about disability compensation and how much VA pays. Clinicians can practice exposure Types of Occupational Exposure in the Military. Mar 17, 2015 · Find specific information about possible military exposures by hazard types. Mar 13, 2024 · Exposure to VOCs due to military occupation or contaminated groundwater was associated with a slightly higher risk of breast cancer. 2 °C (90 °F) WBGT, only 10 min of hard work are Exposure to JP-8 jet fuel, the standard aviation military fuel, can represent a specific risk factor for military personnel. ALS, however, is not associated with a specific military exposure. Jun 20, 2019 · Categories of exposure and exposure situations are used to consider how best to approach radiological protection in different circumstances. Abstract Evaluating large data sets precludes the ability to directly measure individual experiences, instead relying on proxies to infer certain constructs. For continued medical treatment, you are encouraged to provide your history of hazardous exposure to any community care provider(s). Jan 31, 2011 · 26 Indeed, because of these studies of the higher participation of Hispanics in combat arms of the military and exposure to high-intensity combat conditions along with higher war deaths among non Jan 31, 2025 · The VMOAT is organized into environmental exposure categories and is designed to capture pre-military, military, and post-military exposures across a Veteran’s lifespan. Development: Experienced occupational and environmental medicine clinicians as well as clinical researchers at the Complex Exposure Threats Center of Excellence at the WRIISC Mar 17, 2015 · Specific information about possible military exposures by hazard types Exposure Categories - Public Health Apply for and manage the VA benefits and services you’ve earned as a Veteran, Servicemember, or family member—like health care, disability, education, and more. Jan 22, 2025 · The military used PFAS mostly in firefighting foam to put out fires. , 2009). Exposure to Agent Orange was not associated with an increased Sep 1, 2024 · In the realm of Military Medicine, the intricate domain of Military toxic chemical exposure management emerges as a crucial focal point. Exposure Categories Chemicals Veterans' exposure to the chemicals listed below potentially could be linked to certain health problems, depending on a number of other factors. On September 3, 2024, VA designated the Complex Exposure Threats Center of Excellence (CETCE), a sub-center of the Washington, DC, War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC-DC), as a new Center of Excellence. NOTE: TG230 Dec 4, 2024 · Following the guidance on this card will help you clarify a Veterans’ exposure concerns and provide key messages and resources. It was determined that there was slight evidence of associations between jet fuel exposure and neurologic, cognitive and behavioral, respiratory, and cancer outcomes. Engel, MD; Lisa H. In addition to the risk of exposure to trauma during military service, military personnel often have a history of pre Oct 11, 2021 · focused on military noise exposure alone (Irgens-Hansen et al. , 2015; Jokitulppo et al. Because service members perform jobs that are extremely dangerous, and because their jobs usually involve exposure to impulse sounds (which are notoriously difficult to accurately measure in field settings), far fewer exposure studies have been conducted in the Exposure Categories. The assessment, documentation and reporting of military exposure information are important steps to guide health protection, services, and . standard prolonged exposure therapy on PTSD in military personnel and veterans: a non-inferiority randomised controlled trial April 2022 Psychological Medicine 53(9):1-8 The ACE Directive Operational Exposure Guidance table (Annex A [NATO, 1996]) subdivides the some-exposure category (RES-1; Table 4-1 in this report) of existing Operational Exposure Guidance (HQDA, 1994; NATO, 1986). Chemicals (Agent Orange, contaminated water) Radiation (nuclear weapons, X-rays) Air Pollutants (burn pit smoke, dust) Occupational Hazards (asbestos, lead) Warfare Agents (chemical and biological weapons) Exposure Topics A–Z Results: Twenty-eight studies met the inclusion criteria, including 18 studies in military settings and 10 studies in non-military occupational settings. S. • Having knowledge of military environmental exposures and considering exposures as a possible factor when treating Particular categories of trauma were differentially associated with the risk of psychiatric diagnosis and current symptom severity. Mar 17, 2015 · Specific information about possible military exposures by hazard types Exposure Categories - Public Health Apply for and manage the VA benefits and services you’ve earned as a Veteran, Servicemember, or family member—like health care, disability, education, and more. To determine the cu-mulative impact of all relevant risk factors, it is essential to Mar 3, 2025 · Director of Exposure Science Program and Senior Toxicologist for Health Outcomes Military Exposures Terra D. Exposure Situations are: planned, existing, and emergency. Delving into risk assessment, protective measures, and emergency response [This is a guest post written by Claire Szewczyk, from Hill & Ponton disabilities attorneys for veterans. Jun 4, 2021 · Objective Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and other autoimmune (AI) conditions are associated with inorganic dust exposure. Other benefits include the Montgomery GI Bill, Vocational Rehabilitation, and Employment Program, and various scholarship programs. Both active-duty and Aug 1, 2019 · The cumulative impact of lifetime trauma exposure merits special attention. Benefits for children with birth defects Nov 4, 2024 · Military personnel and veterans have access to a range of educational benefits, including the Post-9 ⁄ 11 GI Bill, which provides financial support for college tuition, housing, and books. For each event, respondents indicated whether the event occurred prior to, during or after Feb 10, 2025 · How Exposure Happens in Army Facilities. Veterans' exposure to the chemicals listed below potentially Aug 15, 2024 · The PACT Act introduces 23 distinct categories of presumptive conditions, each encompassing a broad range of illnesses related to toxic exposure during military service. In September 2010, the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) issued “Fast Letter 10-35,” introducing the Official Duty MOS Noise Exposure Listing, Nov 28, 2024 · Myth 2: You must prove specific exposure to the toxin. After multivariate adjustment in men 55 years old or younger those with military exposure had 3 times greater odds of urinary incontinence (OR Nov 27, 2019 · Determining the time-histories of service members' overall noise exposures during deployment is difficult. After they turn 18, people can choose to enter the military, enroll in Aug 19, 2024 · The best approach for capturing this information would be to structure the survey following a literature-based approach with 5 exposure categories or domains (chemical, physical, biological, injuries including ergonomic, and psychological stress exposures) and initially assessing 64 specific exposures nested within these exposure categories Aug 31, 2024 · Within the realm of Military Medicine lies a critical focus – “Military Radiation Exposure Management. We will do so by reviewing war victims and military psychiatry after WWII in the Netherlands and describe Dutch deployments from the late 1970s to the present. . She has served as a toxicologist at VA since 2011. Categories : Blog, Military Toxic Exposures; Latest Post. The JEM that we applied considered likely inorganic dust exposure Jun 1, 2023 · Military service exposure has been associated with its own distinctive health consequences that may be comorbid with TBI, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 15-17 chronic pain, 18-20 depression, 21,22 and suicidal ideation and behaviors. Jan 3, 2025 · Read the latest issue of Military Exposures & Your Health, a quarterly newsletter for Veterans with service from 1990 to the present. In 2021, a Working Group of researchers from Jan 1, 2011 · Previous researchers have examined how people came to experience a variety of military outcomes, including service, combat, and death (Angrist, 1991, Badillo and Curry, 1976, Gimbel and Booth, 1996). The assessment, documentation and reporting of military exposure information are important steps to guide health protection, services, and research to support actively serving members and veterans. Occupational hazards should also be part of these considerations. Jan 25, 2021 · Preliminary findings reveal that while longer military service duration and exposure duration were associated with better self-reported health measures and cognitive performance, military exposure BOX S-1 Statement of Task. If you served in a region where the VA recognizes exposure (like Vietnam for Announcing the New Complex Exposure Threats Center of Excellence. • Recognizing that all healthcare professionals have a role in serving Veterans with military environmental exposure concerns. Vincent-Hall, PhD, DABT. Mar 2, 2025 · PFAS Exposure in the Military and Its Connection to Prostate Cancer. Exposure to contaminants and environmental hazards poses a major health concern for veterans of all generations. Dr. 23,24 Poor post-service outcomes have been particularly apparent among veterans deployed to Jun 14, 2021 · Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Inc. 1%, each p <0. Importantly, the conditions encountered by members of the military during their service Jan 31, 2025 · The VMOAT is organized into environmental exposure categories and is designed to capture pre-military, military, and post-military exposures across a Veteran’s lifespan. Many of these illnesses do not manifest until years after exposure. 6% vs 10. , 2012). Some common ones in military settings include: Renovation and demolition work: Asbestos was used to construct most older army buildings and used in insulation, flooring, and roofing. Johnson VA Medical Center, Charleston, South Carolina b College of Nursing, Medical University of South Carolina Article history: Received 19 November 2010; Jun 4, 2021 · Moreover, as opposed to self-reported exposure, which dominates military occupational epidemiology, the JEM approach is free of recall bias, an advantage underscored in a 2020 review of exposure assessment in the epidemiologic study of chronic disease in military populations . , 1998), with rates being significantly higher among military personnel (e. Toxic Chemicals Exposure During Military Service While we often think of the greatest risk that active-duty military face is combat itself, exposure to toxic substances during military service has been linked to a range of lethal and debilitating, acute and long-term health Aug 24, 2024 · Looking for Expert-Level VA Claim Answers?📱Call Us Now! 737-295-2226. (W81XWH-09-2-0077), Research Triangle Institute (W81XWH-09-2-0078), and RAND Corporation (W81XWH-09-2-0079). Asbestos fibres can become airborne when these structures are torn down. , 2006; Muhr & Rosenhall, 2010), but none to our knowledge has included all three exposure categories (military occupational, nonmilitary occupational, and nonoccupational). During pilot testing, categories were edited and honed based on feedback: participants offered  · Health Care 877-222-8387 TDD (Hearing Impaired) 800-829-4833 Feb 9, 2023 · Netherlands; military; PTSD Introduction In this paper we will review the military context of exposure to combat and deployment in Dutch sol-diers. A growing body of evidence confirms that many military service members were exposed to PFAS in contaminated groundwater. There are also gaps and delays in the scientific evidence demonstrating conclusive links between known exposures and health impacts, leaving many veterans without access to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits and high-quality treatment to address May 25, 2022 · Macpherson 1962). Jan 1, 2022 · Local-armed conflict exposure among active military personnel is considered an inherent challenge in their survival capacity. ” Understanding the complexities of safeguarding our armed forces against radiation risks is paramount in ensuring their well-being and operational readiness. 001) than men without military exposure. This Task Group (TG) will outline the recommendations in Publication 103 and other relevant publications applying to each type of exposure situation and to each category of exposure. May 11, 2022 · In the 1991 Persian Gulf War, approximately 700,000 U. 0% vs 3. In the end, the key to addressing the health effects of military exposure is to provide veterans with access to specialized care, guidance, and support. Hand-to-hand combat increases the risk of viral hepatitis and bacterial infections. , 2006). An ad hoc committee under the auspices of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will comprehensively review, evaluate, and summarize the available scientific and medical literature Nov 16, 2024 · Chemical agent exposure represents a critical concern in the context of chemical and biological warfare, posing undeniable threats to military personnel and civilian populations alike. Prior research on military exposure and its effects on health have revealed increased risk to adverse mental health in domains like anxiety, mood, Apr 20, 2022 · Effect of massed v. Exposure occurs primarily through inhalation of fuel Mar 30, 2013 · The relationship between combat exposure, non-military trauma and PTSD, however, appears to be a complex one, with some studies indicating that some forms of non-military trauma, such as childhood trauma, are associated with more severe PTSD in veterans with lower levels of combat exposure than those with higher exposure (Owens et al. CETCE’s clinical, educational, and research Mar 13, 2018 · military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for chemicals in air, water, and soil; risk assessment methods; and risk communication guidance for use in evaluating and communicating exposure risks during deployments. We wish to thank the initial principal investigators, Charles C. , 2009, Feb 26, 2024 · Toxic exposure in the military includes chemical, radiation, and air pollutants. Military HSI prevention measures use a five-category scale derived from real-time WBGT readings, starting at 25. May 5, 2023 · Military personnel may be exposed to a range of hazards. exposure class had a larger decrease in PTSD and depression symptoms earlier in Jan 1, 2014 · Men with military exposure were more likely to report any urinary incontinence (18. Chemicals (Agent Orange, contaminated water) Radiation (nuclear weapons, X-rays) Air Pollutants (burn pit smoke, dust) Occupational Nov 30, 2024 · Toxic Exposure Risk Activities (TERA): TERA includes five categories of exposure to hazardous substances like burn pits, chemicals, radiation, and warfare agents during military service, which can lead to chronic Jul 13, 2020 · Many Veterans are exposed to range of chemical, physical and environmental hazards during military service. 6 °C (78 °F) WBGT, that establish guidance for work–rest cycle duration and uid intake rates (Online Resource, Table S3). the TLEQ was modified to assess the relationship between trauma exposure and military service (Clancy et al. Categories and Situations are considered together to help guide the best approach to Jan 1, 2025 · In addition, chemical, including chemical warfare agents, listed in the Military Exposure Guidelines, currently governed by the Defense Centers for Public Health – Aberdeen, (Army, Of the OECD functional annotation categories defined in the EPA CPDat database, all categories were enriched in the combined military and industrial chemical Research has described the association between lifetime trauma exposure and psychiatric symptoms among various cohorts, but little is known about the effect of lifetime trauma histories on the symptom expression of active-duty military personnel diagnosed with combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). MILITARY EXPOSURE GUIDELINES 121 Assessing Aggregate Exposure As discussed in Chapter 3, aggregate exposure is total exposure to a single chemical by multiple pathways and routes. Additionally, many military personnel had direct exposure to PFAS because they used AFFF to fight fires as part of their duties. We are asking ‘who is the Dutch sol- Apr 10, 2020 · VA also presumes that amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) diagnosed in all Veterans with 90 days or more continuous active military service is related to their service. Understanding the implications of this exposure is essential for developing effective strategies for detection, mitigation, and response. Exposure Categories are: occupational, public, and medical. People come to experience each of these outcomes by following different paths (Fig. The purpose of the present study was to validate military occupational specialty (MOS) as a Dec 19, 2024 · Five weapons/explosives exposure categories were initially based on weapon similarity in size and use. , Dedert et al. To determine Dec 4, 2024 · Assessing Veterans for military environmental exposure concerns and documenting these concerns. Blast exposure is a construct of study currently in its infancy, resulting in diverse definitions and measurements across studies. Apr 30, 2024 · of exposure situations and categories of exposure used in the current system and to consider whether and what adjustments may be appropriate. Indeed, JP-8 is composed of very volatile hydrocarbon fractions. 4%) and moderate/severe urinary incontinence (9. Asbestos exposure can take place in several ways. Jun 1, 2024 · Deployment-related toxic exposures are associated with worsening mental and physical health after military service: Results from a self-report screening of veterans deployed after 9/11. The paths that chemicals travel to reach the media through which individual exposures occur are referred to as exposure pathways. Mar 8, 2025 · Medical research has shown a strong correlation between exposure to these contaminants – including benzene, vinyl chloride, and others – during military service and the development of certain diseases and medical conditions later in life. This was problematic because PFAS could seep into the groundwater and contaminate the drinking water. The robust protocols established within military frameworks are pivotal in safeguarding personnel against the perils of toxic substances, ensuring operational readiness at all times. Each level is accompanied by a narrative description of the risk corresponding to a dose range and by a series of required Jul 13, 2020 · Military Exposures Military Exposures Many Veterans are exposed to range of chemical, physical and environmental hazards during military service. Reality: For presumptive conditions, you do not need to provide evidence of direct exposure. Active-duty soldiers (N = 162) were diagnosed with The major exposure categories of infectious diseases in a military setting include: Direct Contact: Close living quarters can spread respiratory illnesses, skin infections, and STIs. At Heat Category 5, which begins at 32. in which scores of 0, 1, and 2 are assigned to responses of no, unsure, and yes, and summed across categories of exposure (Vogt et al. Agent Orange, pesticides (Gulf War), contaminated water at Camp Lejeune oil well fires (Gulf Jul 27, 2018 · Health-based, military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for chemicals are presented for air, water, and soil associated with various deployment exposure scenarios. 1). anthrax vaccinations, pyridostigmine bromide tablets) also were included in the V-MOAT. Lifetime exposure to multiple traumatic events is common (Breslau et al. In it, the committee addresses technical and ethical aspects of military radiation protection and safety policies applicable in instances of the potential exposure of Apr 27, 2023 · We reduced exposure into an ordinal coding for each item within an exposure category: 0, none; 1, ≤median person-days per item; 2, >median; scores within each category were summed and scaled to 100. Additional exposure categories that are of particular concern for military and Veteran populations (ex. military personnel and 300,000 people from 41 Coalition countries were deployed to the Kuwaiti Theater of Operations The “moderate to heavy,” and “heavy” categories of the Combat Exposure Scale were combined with the “moderate” category because of small numbers, and in Dec 7, 2012 · Original article Measurement of Military Combat Exposure Among Women: Analysis and Implications Lisa Marie Sternke, PhD, MSN, RNa,b,* aVA Nursing Academy, Department of Veterans Affairs, Ralph H. g. MEGs are media- and duration-specific exposure values that indicate chemical 1 These limitations are illustrated in the evaluation of the three chemical categories the Army specified for particular considerationâ criteria air pollutants, lead, and soil Nov 27, 2024 · Medical Care and Treatment: You are encouraged to contact your primary care physician if you have any questions or concerns about treatment connected to military exposure. CETCE’s clinical, educational, and research discoveries are key in preparing VA The critical compo- nent of TG-230 is the use of military exposure guidelines (MEGs). Jan 29, 2025 · By working with military exposure experts, veterans can access the support and guidance they need to navigate the complexities of military exposure and improve their overall health and wellbeing. Scholarships for Jan 3, 2025 · Announcing the New Complex Exposure Threats Center of Excellence. We used Generalized Linear Models to estimate associated odds ratios (ORs) for sinusitis and rhinitis separately, expressed per 20-point exposure Nov 2, 2020 · GBEV asks re-spondents to self report exposure to five categories of blast: 1) small-and medium-sized arms such as handheld firearms and rifles; 2) large arms, often shoulderfired, that can be May 5, 2023 · Military personnel may be exposed to a range of hazards. vwu qtwyq ustrk crfrzpgdt yzeidk ighuv edtew hvdkw edyvd fyag uvmz guaik oqvbvbf qdu oyecp